Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24, 2015 - One Memorable Week...

1-Kaylie has reached a major milestone in her life-her first tube of black lipstick. Cross that off your bucket-list :)
 2-Our Young Men and Young Women's group went to the Provo temple last Tuesday. I was able to attend with Jacob and Kaylie. Kaylie was tickled to see Jacob (Bitsy...she so affectionately calls him) perform baptisms for the first time. What a sweet experience for a mother to witness. 

Near the end of the baptisms, I  swear I heard angels singing. The overhead music had been turned off. I went to investigate and found a Samoan Branch preparing to attend an endowment session. They sang for about 30 minutes or so. Though I cannot say I have heard angels singing in the temple, I am certain it was as close as I will ever get! It was certainly heavenly!
3-I had a hot "date" with these two(three) guys on Friday night! Not sure I was the best company, since Jacob fell asleep half-way through the movie..,

Lesson learned...don't take Jacob to a movie after 8 pm...
Gearing up for the last week of school!!!!

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