Monday, December 14, 2015

 Constitucion, Pachuca -December 14

Hey Mom!!
How are you?? I'm with Elder Rangel now!! Hes great! We are in Pachuca, and our area is Constitución. My companion is from Tamaulipas and has three months in the mission. Things are going great so far!! I'm loving it!! Our District is 6 sisters and us two Elders. Our Zone just has two districts.
I cant believe that Meghan is already out in the mission! I'm so excited! It has gotten a little colder, especially being here in Pachuca, there's a lot more wind, and so it gets a little bit colder, plus Ive had to put extra layers on when I have slept. and don't worry about the pants, the only thing that I lack is time to sew them!! 
That's crazy the the Provo temple is almost ready to open! Only a few more months right? I'm sure it will be up and running by the time i get home! And about the Skype call, We will call on Christmas day, during the afternoon, we still haven't planned it all well. 
Well, not a lot has happened in this week! Its been really cold, and we have been contacting a lot of people. We have found quite a few by knocking on doors, but we are still looking for those that have been prepared! This ward is great! The members are really nice and do like to work. This Sunday we didn't have sacrament meeting because we went to the Dedication of the Tijuana Temple broadcast. It was great! President Uchtdorf dedicated it! He talked a lot about the devotion of many great members in Mexico to be able to accomplish building a temple there. This will be the 13th temple here in Mexico!!
Well, I'm super content! Loving the mission more and more every day!! I love serving the Lord!! Love you tons mom!!
Elder Paynter


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