Monday, June 8, 2015

Xicotepec-June 8 2015

All is well in Zion, yea, Zion prospereth, all is well. 2 Nephi 28:21

Just kidding, haha, but all is well here!! Had a pretty great birthday!! We spent like three hours in the clerks office fixing the ward list, and we only got to the names that start with the letter D. So, we have a lot of work still left to go!! Plus, one family made me a Birthday cake!! and another made us pancakes!! It was super awesome!! It was great to spend my Birthday here!! I wasn't able to get my package yet, because it takes a process to get it here, when the Zone Leaders go to Pachuca they will probably pick up my package.  Then they will wait until our district leader or we go and pick it up from them. They live like 2 hours away from us, and like 2 more hours away from Pachuca so... haha.
This week was pretty good!! We had two baptisms and it was a blast!! I got to baptize them, it was such a great experience, the great thing is that I will still be here in the mission when they will be able to enter in the temple, so that will be great!! I love doing this work!! It takes a lot of work but the blessings that come with it are eternal!! I love serving the Lord!! (This was an extra special baptism, because missionaries in his mission are only allowed one baptism for the duration of their mission and Jordan chose this one. It will be especially neat if he is able to see them be sealed together in the temple)
We are hoping to have another baptism this week!! It is a family of a less active husband and his nonmember wife, we are hoping that he will be ready so that he can be able to baptize his wife!! It will be so great!! They are a super cool family and super friendly and nice. About every time that we go to visit them, they make us dinner!! haha, its great!! I love it!! I'm so glad I am her in Mexico serving in the greatest mission in the whole world!!!
Yes, we heard about Hermana Laguna a few months ago, we have been praying and fasting a lot for her. I never had the chance to meet her here, but we know that no matter what happens the Lord will continue to bless her and her family for her service that she did here!! 
 Well, I love you tons mom and hope you have a great week!!! Love you!!
Elder Paynter
No birthday package...but pancakes and two baptisms....
(This must be a member's store...check out the picture on the counter, under plate :)
 Cleaning before the baptism

 Jorge and Aline, our converts from this weekend
And how we celebrate baptisms (With Tortas)

 Who could ask for better Birthday presents?

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