Monday, January 11, 2016

Constitucion, Pachuca -January 11

Hey Mom!!
First of all, when the Temple gets dedicated, can you save me one of those little slips/recommends that they give, so that i can have a little memory!! Thanks!! 
Sounds like you had a great week! Lots of fun things happening! Here things are going well!! We have been working hard to find new people to teach, but not having a lot of success, this week we had a new investigator at church, his name is Ramon. He is an older fellow, but he is super great and such a good guy. He has a bad knee, and a few months ago got hit by a taxi leaving his house, so he struggles a lot with walking. A member helped us get him to church, with his wheel chair and it all went really swell. He was baptized in the Pentecostes church (I don't know what its called in English) and that is why he hasn't committed to being baptized, but we are working with him!
I hope that this new year I can strive to work harder everyday and keep doing exactly what the Lord asks me! I hope that you too Mom can look for what you need to do this year to come closer to him!! I love you tons Mom!! I don't have much time left, but I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate your example!!! I'm so proud of you!! 
Always Love you!!
Elder Paynter

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