Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday, November 27, 2016

As a school teacher, I get many pictures, art projects, notes, etc from my students. After the elections, one of my 5th grade students brought me one of these "home-made" projects. It was a bracelet with a heart on it. I thought it was just another "gift" from one of my students. However, she quickly let me know that she had made this to remind me and others that amid all the chaos and turmoil that was a result of the elections, we needed to remember to love and care about others. I was touched by her childlike solution to the troubles of the world. No wonder the Savior on many occasions admonished us to "become as a little child."

I feel blessed to live in this country that was carefully and purposefully organized by men wrought upon by the spirit of God. We can move past these elections, with love in our hearts as we unite in purpose.


Cookie Doe said...

Here is some trivia for you - David Osmond wrote this song for the Glenn Beck radio show. It's the theme song. He and his cousin sing it for the show. His cousin is Jenn Blosil. :)

Cookie Doe said...

Here is a link for their version: